Google Android Development Agency SASS

Thursday, 19 February 2009

Android RC33 for the UK coming soon

Still on RC8 in the UK
Whilst US users of the T-Mobile G1 received the latest update to Android, the so called "RC33" release earlier this month, UK users have been somewhat left in the dark, still stuck on RC8.

RC33 brings a number of cool things to Android, notably voice search and Google Latitude. Note that this isn't the long awaited "Cupcake" branch of Android - it'll be a while (if ever) until we get that on a G1.

According to a comment on this blog post, someone called T-Mobile support and was told to expect the update "sometime around February 20th".

Let's hope they're not lying - I've been developing on Android SDK 1.1 without a hardware device to test it on!

Incidentally - if you want RC33 but don't want to wait, you can follow the instructions here to get it. Don't come crying to me if you brock your phone though... ;-)

Tuesday, 17 February 2009

Second Android Handset unveiled

During this week, the Mobile World Congress has been in progress in Barcelona, and whilst we were expecting to see a whole raft of Android gubbins, it seems that the only big news is the release of the second Android-powered handset, in the form of the HTC Magic.

The Magic will be available exclusively on Vodafone and will be the first handset to feature the Cupcake branch of Android.

This is major news for us here at SASS Digital as Cupcake features signficantly improved Audio-APIs which will help no end in our ongoing development of music applications.

The big question is - will it support multi-touch? I suspect I know the answer...

Accessing UI elements from background threads in Android

One of the challenges I've faced this week in Android has been how to access and change the UI from a background worker thread.

By default in Android, anything created in the onCreate() method of an Activity runs in the UI thread. Whilst this is good for some apps as it keeps the application profile down, for anything requiring a degree of performance it's not ideal.

We're working on a real-time music application here at SASS Digital and hence a lot of our work is done in background threads. To make matters worse, we need to execute code at specified intervals whilst maintaining performance.

The problem is, you cannot modify UI elements from a background thread.

Android goes some way to providing the solution to this in the form of the Handler class. The Handler allows you to execute Runnable objects whilst maintaining access to the UI elements. It also provides the seemingly useful postDelayed() method which allows you to schedule some code to run after a specified interval, much like the setInterval javascript statement.

All was looking rosy until it turned out that the stability of the Handlers timing was questionable to say the least... I couldn't get it to tick away perfectly no matter what I tried, so I was back to using a java.util.Timer for my timings, which meant I had no access to the UI again.

The solution turned out to be pretty simple.

You need to create a new Handler object and overide the handleMessage method to receive messages from your background threads.

In my onStart() method of the Activity I added this:

Handler h = new Handler() {
public void handleMessage(Message msg) {
//--update your UI here

I then implemented my custom TimerTask which would perform my work in the background, passing the Handler to it's constructor. E.g

MyTimerTask mtt = new MyTimerTask(h);
Timer t = new Timer();
t.schedule(mtt, 1, 200);

Now within the TimerTask I can pass messages back to my main UI thread via the Handler:

public void run() {
//--send a message to the UI thread to update itself
Message msg = _h.obtainMessage(); //_h is my Handler reference
msg.obj = 1;

As if by magic my main UI code receives this message and can be notified to update the UI. It runs a lot quicker than using the default Handler.postDelayed().


If you use an inner instantiation of a Runnable rather than a seperate class you don't even need to use a messaging pattern, you can use the Handler object to directly call methods on your UI thread using the post method:

Handler h = new Handler();

private void updateGUI() {
//--do your gui work here

private void doMyBackgroundWork() {
//--this method will do your background work

//--use the handler to call back to your main ui thread;

private Runnable bgRunnable = new Runnable() {
public void run() {

Thread t = new Thread(null, doMyBackgroundWork,"BGThread");

Very simple!